Freitag, 18. Juni 2010

Haaretz publisher: Self-censorship is greatest threat to press freedom

Amos Schocken tells conference sponsored by the French Embassy in Israel in cooperation with Haaretz that many journalists are concerned about alienating their readers.

By Shani Litman

Haaretz publisher Amos Schocken warned Monday that self-censorship in the Israeli media poses the greatest threat to the freedom of the press. Speaking during a panel debate on press freedom as part of the “Democracy and its Challenges” conference sponsored by the French Embassy in Israel in cooperation with Haaretz, Schocken said that many journalists are hesitant to be too controversial, for fear of alienating their readers.

Amos Schocken

Amos Schocken

Photo by: Jini

Schocken cited his own experiences with Haaretz readers who were resentful of the coverage given to the Palestinians by reporters from his own newspaper.

Let’s talk about a different kind of censorship,” he said. “Self-censorship that stems from the fact that the media does not want to upset its readership. I am referring to the responses that I get regarding Haaretz articles about the Palestinians’ situation.

"During periods of calm there are no responses, but in turbulent times people send emails to the newspaper, copying in all of their friends, that they are halting their subscription because they are unable to read Gideon Levy or Amira Hass anymore. And the newspaper must ask itself if it wants to absorb this.

“It is no coincidence that in a country such as ours there are two or three journalists who see the subject of the Palestinians as their central focus,” he continued. “There are even journalists in Israel for whom it is possible to expect the subject of the Palestinians to be as important as sports, celebrities or film, and who are involved with this. And each time I see how Israeli society finds it difficult to accept this.”

  • 4. 22 14
    Thank you, Mr Schocken
    • Zeev, Haifa
    • 01.06.10
    • 13:27

    Thank you for Gideon Levy and Amira Hass.

  • 3. 15 25
    Mr. Schoken, please look into the roots!
    • Victor
    • 01.06.10
    • 12:35

    Dear Mr. Schoken, There is a proverb in Russian: "Don't blame your mirror if you're not looking beautiful". I suggest you to apply this proverb to your case. Both journalists which you mentioned are distinguished with either historical ignorance (Gidon Levi) or automatic prejudice against Israel (Amira Hess). After reading of their completely detached-from-the-facts articles (in Internet Haaretz edition) I plainly rejected proposals (made from time to time in bookshops upon a significant purchase) to get 1-month long Haaretz subscription for free! I believe that the primary problem with these journalists is rather low level of intelligence and education (in contrary to their glibness and talkativeness). I stand behind this statement, because I guess that my educational and knowledge is "slightly" higher than those of average Haaretz journalist (I derive that conclusion from familiarity with their writings). That is why among my friends Haaretz is considered as nothing more than "yellow press" for left-wing population. Your newspaper actually degraded together with that population - which (according to Bernard Levi) is no more the liberal one (as it was in the XIX century and in the most of the XX century), but merely strives to "punish" the world for its incompliance with their ideals. BTW the word "ideal" itself is not necessary sounds positively - let's remember that Herr Hitler and Herr Goebbels were idealists in every meaning of that word. Mr. Schoken, I suggest you thinking about your positioning. This is not due to "incorrect public". This is due to the detachment of your newspaper from the reality around. Let me know if you need more clarifications about some points which may seen obscure to you. Thanks, Victor

  • 2. 23 9
    There is nothing moral or lawful about oppressing another peoples' human and sovereign rights
    • Dutch
    • 01.06.10
    • 11:01

    Israeli journalists should stick to the moral and legal arguments there and stand their ground... They will be the victors in the end... Not the land thieves and war mongers. They are poisoning the world and are placing other Jews at risk..... Dutch

  • 1. 17 1
    If you stick to the facts you cannot get into too much trouble.
    • MIKE
    • 01.06.10
    • 05:56

    Tell it straight, like it happened, no embellishment or spin and you'll be doing your jobs the right way.

    • 34 12
      Mike , you obviously don't know anything about how the truth works...
      • Dutch
      • 01.06.10
      • 11:14
      How the truth goes thru 3 stages as the German philosopher Arthur Shopenhaurer noted--first it is ridiculed, secondly it is violently fought and thirdly it becomes self evident .... Remember, Nelson Mandela went to jail for 20yrs for the truth and Israelis have locked up over 10,000 Palestinians to prevent them from acting on the truth about Israel's theft and assault on their homeland....

      Thank you for rating


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